The Hackathon for the

#HackDonor is the hackathon for the “World Blood Donor Day 2021“, an annual international event to pay tribute to all unpaid voluntary donors for their gift while raising people’s awareness on the importance of regular donations in order to secure high-quality blood and blood components for use in the healthcare system. World Blood Donor Day was established in 2005 by the World Health Organization and is celebrated around the world on June 14, a day that marks the birth of Karl Landsteiner, the man who discovered blood types and co-discovered the Rh factor. World Blood Donor Day also provides an opportunity for individual nations to make governments and health authorities more aware about the need to strengthen the blood donation network.
In 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry of Health, the National Blood Center and the main Blood Donor Associations (Avis, Italian Red Cross, Fidas and Fratres), the WHO selected Italy to host the “World Blood Donor Day Global Event” in Rome on June 14 and 15, 2021.
The slogan of the event is “Give blood and keep the world beating” to emphasize how donors contribute to saving lives and improving the health of others. This year we want to pay special attention to younger generations and their leadership role. Young people can contribute to making a strong cultural change towards a greater awareness of the value of the gift and its gratuitousness, as it should be seen as an unselfish donation and as a commitment to the strong ideals of life related to it: solidarity, volunteering, the protection of health. Especially in such a particular moment for our community, championing this campaign for the benefit of our own and other people’s health goes hand in hand with the sense of responsibility with respect to topics related to wellbeing, such as fairness and the universality of care, community, social relations, trust, networking, altruism.
#HackDonor is a hackathon aimed at developing digital projects to encourage young people’s knowledge and “ownership” of the culture of giving.
#HackDonor2021 pursues a variety of objectives:
- increasing young people’s knowledge and awareness of the importance of the “gift”, so as to:
- foster the development of a sense of belonging and community, increase social cohesion, disseminate civic education and promote actions of solidarity and altruism
- learn to give, for it is a simple, free and spontaneous act that makes those who do it, but also those who receive it, happy
- enabling, through the use of digital technology, the knowledge and promotion of the culture of giving.
- turn awareness into intention and then into action, leveraging technology to reach ever-farther, from one point of the network to another
- actively participate in the dissemination of the healthy lifestyles needed to become a donor, with particular attention to the dissemination of correct information that can help increase the well-being of the population and improve the world in which we live
- activating young people as a driver for the involvement of different segments of the population distant from the culture of giving
- invite more young people – but not exclusively – to respond to the humanitarian call of giving and spread the message, encouraging others to do the same, thus disseminating the culture of giving among acquaintances and family relations
- inform citizens about the absolute safety of the gift and the benefits that this act can bring to themselves and to others, reassuring those who are still afraid that this act may cause damage to the giver and to the receiver
All the people aged 18-45 are invited to participate in #HackDonor2021.
You can participate both as an individual and as a team.
The launch of #HackDonor2021 will take place at an event in livestream in March 2021. A recording of the event will be available on the DiCultHer YouTube channel for those who are not able to attend.
After the launch, contestants can access the Call to #HackDonor2021 on this page.
Registered participants must submit digital projects by May 15, 2021.
The final evaluation will be conducted by a Scientific Committee between May 17th and 31st, 2021.
National rankings will be posted on this webpage as of June 1, 2021.
The winning digital projects will be awarded a prize at the “World Blood Donor Day Global Event” to be held in Rome on June 14 and 15, 2021.
- Selecting the CHALLENGE that you want to compete for and defining the digital RESULT you want to participate with
- Implementing the digital project relative to the CHALLENGE and the RESULT to be submitted to #HackDonor2021, with the amplest freedom of choice regarding the timing, ways and tools. The participant must declare to hold the right to use the digital project and all its components (images, soundtrack, etc.)
- Submitting the digital RESULT by email to by May 15, 2021. The submission must be made in the manner specified in the single CHALLENGE concerned.
Produce a RESULT, consisting in a digital project realized in compliance with the CHALLENGE chosen. The digital project shall be property of the person who developed and produced it although the #HackDonor2021 organization and its partners shall be entitled to use it for the purpose of facilitating young people’s knowledge and “ownership” of the culture of giving.
The following is the list of CHALLENGES, with the type of RESULT expected:
CHALLENGE 1: Social Media Journalism
- Expected RESULT: a digital product in the area of social media journalism (audio, podcast, video or graphical content, article on a blog) aimed at raising awareness of the culture of giving. The digital product must include a mention of the participation in #HackDonor2021 by indicating the #HackDonor2021 hashtag and logo.
- PRIZE: Semi-professional equipment for audio and/or video recording; laptop or tablet; open source training course on dedicated software
- SOLIDARITY QUOTA: FIAGOP Federazione Italiana Associazioni Genitori Oncoematologia Pediatrica onlus (Italian Federation of Pediatric Oncohaematology Parent Associations)
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: original content, accuracy of terms used, fact check, clarity
- If the digital product is published on one or more social networks, all publication addresses must be provided;
- If the digital product is not published on any social network, it must be transmitted in PDF format via a large file transfer service (WeTransfer, Filemail, …);
- in both cases it is also necessary to send a maximum 4-page descriptive Document in PDF format containing the description of the RESULT, the name of all the participants in the Team that produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age (in case of participating in Team), indicate the social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat,, Tumblr, Spotify WordPress or other blogging platforms) and all the other information that is considered to be useful to send to the Scientific Evaluation Committee.
- The contestant, by participating,
- declares to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks…)
- declares his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with informations provided in Privacy Information Section of this page
- to this end, includes a special disclaimer published in the Disclaimer and Privacy Consent Section of this page.
CHALLENGE 2: Communication Campaign
- Expected RESULT: digital project designing a campaign to raise awareness of the culture of giving, to be disseminated through traditional or digital media (social networks and/or websites). The Campaign must include reference to the participation in #HackDonor2021 by including the #HackDonor2021 hashtag and its logo.
- PRIZE: Adopting the communication campaign at the WBDD 2022, implementing it also on the social media of the Italian transfusion network (Ministry of Health, National Blood Center, Associations of donors and patients).
- SOLIDARITY QUOTA: Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia e de outras Coagulopatias Congénitas (APH)
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: originality, creativity, copy strategy, graphic design, effectiveness and impact of the message (claim, reason why and supporting evidence), effectiveness of the strategic target against the communication objectives, correct identification of the target group, engagement and coverage (in the case of campaigns already launched on social networks).
- If the digital project is published on one or more social networks, all publication addresses must be provided;
- If the digital project is not published on any social network, it must be transmitted in PDF format via a large file transfer service (WeTransfer, Filemail, …) and/or the address of a Video illustrating it uploaded on YouTube (also in the “not listed” form);
- in both cases it is also necessary to send a maximum 4-page descriptive Document in PDF format containing the description of the RESULT, the name of all the participants in the Team that produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age (in case of participating in a Team) and all other information that is considered useful to send to the Scientific Evaluation Committee.
- The contestant, by participating,
- declares to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks…)
- declares his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with informations provided in Privacy Information Section of this page
- to this end, includes a special disclaimer published in the Disclaimer and Privacy Consent Section of this page.
CHALLENGE 3: App / WebApp
- Expected RESULT: Digital Project to develop an Application (for mobile or web) promoting the donation or aid in organizing said donation. Alternatively, an application already developed, not tied to start-ups or for-profit companies, that must be usable by all associations involved in Blood Donation and managing donations. The project may contain all or some of the following features:
- effectively and efficiently manage relations with donors (smart donation booking, automatic recall, invitation to initiatives, etc….)
- paperless management of blood draws (worklists, acceptance, consents, reporting, etc…)
- present and promote the donation in an engaging and interactive way and facilitate access to blood draw stations
The dedicated blood donor app must have the following functions:
- Allow authentication, preferably through an identity provider of your choice (e.g., Gmail, Facebook)
- Register with the app’s database; select the blood draw station of reference within a given radius from the free geo-location service
- The donor shall have access to a section enabling him/her to book a donation at a blood draw station, selecting it from the closest ones that are open on a given day and that handle reservations.
- Once the donation has been made, it should be possible to record it in the app.
- In this section it should be possible to modify your personal data and contacts (phone, email).
- Based on the number of donations, an icon should be displayed indicating the level of loyalty (10 donations, 50 donations, etc).
Back office section function
Personal data
- It should be possible to search for a donor and modify his/her personal or clinical data or contacts
- It should be possible to enter a new donation
Communications and Messages
- Thanks to customisable filters, it should be possible to select the donors to whom to dispatch a communication (mail/SMS/instant messaging). Filters must apply to personal or clinical data or contacts (e.g., not contacted for at least 30 days)
The project or app must mention participation in #HackDonor2021 by including the #HackDonor2021 hashtag and its logo.
- PRIZE: Funding for project development in whole or in part
- SOLIDARITY QUOTA: Fondazione Santobono Pausilipon
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: originality, functionality, model, effectiveness, interface, design, mobile optimization, identifiability
- if the Application is available on one or more app stores (Play Store, App Store) for mobile devices, it is necessary to transmit the instructions to download and evaluate it;
- if the Application is not available on one or more app stores (Play Store, App Store) for mobile devices, it is necessary to transmit the address of a YouTube video upload (also in “not listed” form) to illustrate it;
- in both cases it is also necessary to send a maximum 4-page descriptive Document in PDF format containing the description of the RESULT, the name of all the participants in the Team that produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age (in case of participating in a Team) and all other information that is considered useful to send to the Scientific Evaluation Committee.
- The contestant, by participating,
- declares to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks…)
- declares his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with informations provided in Privacy Information Section of this page
- to this end, includes a special disclaimer published in the Disclaimer and Privacy Consent Section of this page.
CHALLENGE 4: Videogame / Comic strip
- Expected RESULT: a Videogame or graphic work (comic strip) to disseminate the values underlying donation. The project must not have already been published in newspapers, magazines, social networks or submitted in other contests. The videogame/comic strip must mention the participation in #HackDonor2021 by including the #HackDonor2021 hashtag and its logo.
- PRIZE: publication of the winning project and graphic tablet
- SOLIDARITY QUOTA: FedEmo, Federazione delle associazioni Emofilici
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: presence of innovative elements in social communication, originality, ability to promote the gift as an absolutely normal and not heroic or special act; ability to combine the playful component with the informative and awareness, accuracy, on the scientific and health level, of the information underlying the development of the project and possibly provided to the user, graphics, versatility, usability.
- in case of having made a Videogame, it is necessary to provide the address of a video uploaded on YouTube(also in “not listed” form) illustrating it;
- in case of having made a Comic strip, it is to be submitted in PDF format through a large File Transfer service (WeTransfer, Filemail, …) attaching any complementary tables in PDF/jpg format;
- in both cases it is also necessary to send a maximum 4-page descriptive Document in PDF format containing the description of the RESULT, the name of all the participants in the Team that produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age (in case of participating in a Team) and all other information that is considered useful to send to the Scientific Evaluation Committee.
- The contestant, by participating,
- declares to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks…)
- declares his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with informations provided in Privacy Information Section of this page
- to this end, includes a special disclaimer published in the Disclaimer and Privacy Consent Section of this page.
CHALLENGE 5: Online music event “Give blood and keep the world beating”
- Expected RESULT: Composition of an unpublished musical piece to create an online musical event on the theme “Give blood and keep the world beating”. The song must have a maximum duration of 4 minutes (3 minutes recommended) and must not have been published online or on social networks. It must mention the participation in #HackDonor2021 by including the #HackDonor2021 hashtag and its logo.
- PRIZE: Meeting and photos with Anggun, Professional recording/remastering of the product at PPG Studios, Photo Shooting, Social promotion through the activities of the inter-associative and inter-institutional project “Le Note del Dono” (live broadcasts online and concerts with national and international musicians), Hosting and announcing the winner at the aforesaid event.
- SOLIDARITY QUOTA: United Onlus, Italian Federation of Thalassemia, Rare Hemoglobinopathies and Drepanocytosis
- EVALUATION CRITERIA: originality of the song, creativity of the video, characteristics of the text (form, metrics and content), interpretive identity, vocal quality, instrumental quality (arrangement – realization), quality of the digital product.
- Digital audio* and audio-video** support to be submitted via email using a large file transfer service (WeTransfer, Filemail, …). Audio* file features (to be recorded and sent separately from the audio-video): stereo – allowed formats .wav or .mp3 bitrate min 192 kbps, recommended 320 kbps. Audio-video** file features (to be recorded and sent separately from audio only): HD quality (1920×1080); aspect ratio 16:9., allowed formats: .MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI, .WMV; allowed Frame Rate: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, or 60; Audio Codec: AAC-LC. Recommended video bit rate is 12 Mbps; Recommended audio bit rate is 384 Kbps;
- It is also necessary to send a maximum 4-page descriptive Document in PDF format containing the description of the RESULT, the name of all the participants in the Team that produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age (in case of participating in a Team) and all other information that is considered useful to send to the Scientific Evaluation Committee.
- The contestant, by participating,
- declares to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks…)
- declares his consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with informations provided in Privacy Information Section of this page
- to this end, includes a special disclaimer published in the Disclaimer and Privacy Consent Section of this page.
Below you will find the FAQ of #HackDonor2021:
Q: How can you participate in HackDonor2021 in a Team?
A: In order to participate in HackDonor2021 in a Team, it is sufficient that, at the time of submitting the RESULT, the person sending the email notify the names of all the Team members who produced it, declaring that they are all between 18 and 45 years of age.
You must insert the following text in the descriptive Document in PDF format:
I HEREBY DECLARE to hold the right to use the RESULT and its components (images, soundtracks, bases, etc.) and to license its use through a Creative Commons BY – SA 4.0 licence
I HEREBY DECLARE That I have entirely read and understood the information notice concerning the collection, retention and use of my personal data with a view to achieving the purposes outlined in Point 1 of this privacy information notice.
Moreover, I DECLARE that I have entirely read and understood the purposes and means of processing my personal data and that I have had sufficient time to decide, freely and voluntarily, whether or not to grant my consent.
I CONSENT To the processing of my personal data by the Centro Nazionale Sangue and by the subjects involved in the processing of the aforesaid personal data in view of achieving the purposes indicated in Point 1 and in the ways described in Point 3 of this privacy information notice.
Information notice and consent request for the handling of the personal data provided at registration for HackDonor2021
(Updated pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Privacy Code, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018)
The CENTRO NAZIONALE SANGUE (CNS) headquartered on Via Giano della Bella 27 – 00162 Rome (RM), in the capacity of Data Controller, pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), hereby informs that the data shall be processed for the following purposes through the means listed below:
- Purposes and Legal Basis for Processing
The processing of the personal data collected and indicated at Point 2 of this rrivacy information notice is carried out for the specific purposes connected to the implementation of the #HackDonor2021 initiative.
The Legal Basis for the processing of personal data contained in this privacy information notice can be found in Art. 6, Para. 1, letter a) of the GDPR, insofar as: “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes”. - Categories of Personal Data
For the purposes listed in Point 1 above, the processing shall involve the following categories of personal data:
• Personal data (name and surname);
• Electronic communication data (e-mail address). - Processing Means
The processing of personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in Art. 4, Para. 1, n. 2 GDPR and more specifically: collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
The data processing shall only be performed with the automated means, instruments and procedures strictly necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in Point 1 of this privacy information notice.
In view of the aforesaid processing, the CNS shall rely on the cooperation of the International Association for the promotion of the Scuola a “Rete” in Digital Cultural Heritage (DicultHer) for the registration, participation and promotion of the #HackDonor2021 initiative, as well as for the collection of projects and the publication of the ranking through its website, appointed Data Processors pursuant to Art. 28 of the GDPR.
The CNS sets up physical, technical and organizational security measures in compliance with Art. 32 of the GDPR in order to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect uses thereof and unauthorized access thereto (Data Breach). - Data Retention
Personal data shall be retained until the achievement of the purposes outlined in Point 1 of this Privacy Information Notice, meaning thereby until the end of the #HackDonor2021 initiative.
Moreover, it is hereby specified that at the end of the contest, a ranking will be published online, on the website of DicultHer, containing the personal data of participants, and that the aforesaid ranking shall remain posted for 60 days for advertising purposes, after which it shall be eliminated. - Rights of the Data Subject
The data subject enjoys the rights set forth in Art. 15 of the GDPR and following articles and, more specifically: the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right of restriction to processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Art. 77 of the GDPR and Art. 141 of the Privacy Code, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018).
The data subject has the right to withdraw the consent he/she has previously granted at any time and with the same ease with which it was given, in accordance with Art. 17, Para.1, letter b) of the GDPR.
However, said withdrawal shall not bear prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing performed on the basis of the consent previously granted and its only effect shall be that of ceasing the processing of the data subject’s personal data in the future. - Ways of exercising one’s rights
The data subject shall, at any time, be able to exercise his/her right by sending an ad hoc communication to the CENTRO NAZIONALE SANGUE at the e-mail and PEC (certified email) addresses set forth in Point 7 of this privacy information notice or by sending a specific request by registered mail with advice of receipt to its official address on Via Giano della Bella n. 27 – 00162 Rome (RM). - Identity and contact data
In the person of the Managing Director, Dr Vincenzo De Angelis
In the person of Atty Sarah Masato